Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Urumqi & Turpan (吐鲁番)


The low starry night sky at Gold Coast was unforgettable; so is this clear blue sky, with fluffy white clouds...


Visit to 哈萨克 home

Check out the mobile restroom...I'm sure it's specially designed for tourists (as the homes are). The minorities are so in touch with nature! ;)

On the long journey from Urumqi to Turpan...

World's largest tapping of wind energy for energy production. This place gets wind from Autumn to Summer each other words, every day!

盐湖 (middle portion)

Finally arrived at Turpan, the fire city (火洲) about 180km away from Urumqi. HOT!

坎儿井...tapping into underground water


Where they 晾葡萄干

In the evening...ok, it was at least 9pm at night, mama and I ventured out on our own. At the park nearby...

Happy people; Cheery kids... Young kids usually have shaven heads because of the hot weather.


Urumqi (乌鲁木齐)

Our first stop on The Silk Road was Urumqi, in Xinjiang Province (north-western part of China). Liang Zhou, mama and I departed from Beijing in the afternoon and arrived around 6pm. We were suppose to meet up with the other 6 in the group who flew from Singapore (transit in Guang Zhou). They arrive at 2am!!! China Southern Airlines.

At Peking International Airport...

The 5-star hotel in Urumqi...huge well-furnished room...not accustomed to such "luxury"!

Hmm, this is suppose to be the 黑鸡 you use in double-boiled soup lor...why issit white... =S

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... Lamb? Sheep? Ram?

天池 aka 瑶池

Rainbow! =)

Liang Zhou and Mrs. Goh-to-be ;)

Mama lovesss these costumes...

and she became a "celeb" (with the Goh family) !

Downhill...from 天池

大巴扎...World's biggest bazaar selling costumes, dried fruits, handicraft, knivessss etc.

Promegranate juice...

SOURRRRR...! We paid 5rmb for the drink, but the 维吾尔 guys claimed we didn't...Grrrrr... Pissed. Bad joke.

Basically, in Xinjiang, I didn't feel like I was in China at all.

As always, the tour guide recommended a 歌舞表演 that we should attend. Cost us each 180rmb, inclusive of a buffet...

17-year-old on a traditional instrument


6-year-old ..空中小王子

Sadly, it was a thumbs-down. The performers were amateurish, and the entire theatre was stuffy and hot. Food...let's just say we were not accumstomed to local food.

Urumqi @ 22 30... Yes! 10:30pm!!


Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Goodbye Shao Yuan; See You Peking"



交上卷子,也不知为什么,一心想在六点晚餐前找到沃尔玛 (Walmart)。绍帅给了我唯一的“线索”- 在知春路,靠近北航。就这样,我以东门为起点,开始了艰辛的路途!乘公交到了北航才发现自己又来到了五道口服装市场。心想:不远吧,就一直走着。问了不下五个过路人,不是告诉我那一带没有沃尔玛,就是听不懂 Walmart。哎...... 在路上甚至遇到了骗子,问我首都机场往哪个方向走,然后便长篇大论,说自己是山东人,车子坏了什么的。我没听进去,笑着逃脱了。幸好他们夫妇两没跟上。谁料到,没走开几步,迎面来了群男子,其中之一开口:“小妹,问问你......” 这回儿,我也没正眼看他,狠心地直走了下去。








CA 969
抵达时间:21 30

CA 969
14th July 2006
Arrival Time: 21 30


刚洗完澡,勺园竟然停电了!靠着笔记本存有的电发出的光,和一个平日微不足道的手电筒,我开始收拾房间里剩余的一切。隔天一早便出发了,我必须把衣服洗了,赶紧晒干。好难忘,实在难忘...... 每回停电说是凌晨12点至两点,通常半个小时时间电源就恢复了。这夜, 一点半,我躺在床上,放弃了等待.....



这回到丝绸之路及内蒙古后,我仍然会于9日前后再回到北京。奇怪,"Goodbye Shao Yuan; See You Peking" 该怎么译?“永别勺园;再见北京”?


gRacE ;)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gloomy Clouds

I hope I haven't painted an overly rosy picture of my exchange. God is good and this has been a worthy experience, to say the least, but there have been the downs too.

The last thing I want is to leave PKU with the slightest unhappiness or discontentment. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me" - Absolute nonsense. Words will not have power over you if the content is untrue, or if the person does not matter. Who cares? Maybe some would view it as living in denial or just being fearful of facing up to the truth, but I stand by...Ignorance is bliss.

I miss my close friends as I write this. Friends whom I can run to and know that I am valued for who I am.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Thanksgiving: Tribute to my Teachers

The highest temperature of Beijing reached 38 degrees centigrade on Sunday. Beijing Observatory issued a high temperature orange early-warning signal on 2 p.m.. Xinhua

Got my first-choice for my Year 3 subjects! =)

English News Writing: Prof. Li Kun
When PKU withheld my acceptance letter, Prof. Li was the kind saviour who footed the 400rmb in advance for me. In a sense, I knew her before I even arrived in Peking, and certainly didn't wasn't expect her to be the teacher of my core replacement subject. Ours was in fact her first undergraduate class (she's been teaching graduate students). Although English News Writing & Reporting in CS would have been more tailored to my needs, Prof. Li was my motivation to read the news and really pay attention in class. Hee... Oh, and she got me the school's fifth anniversary tee too! =)

I went for his first lecture, and thought, "Yes! This is for me!" There was no way I could really go in-depth into the study of Chinese culture, so this module gave me a good overview. However, in the weeks that followed, the lectures got dry especially on topics like materials used in book-production...and pictures in his first lect never appeared again! Then again, I had to hang on...and I believe it paid off. I learnt a lot through the textbook during exam prep, more than all my other subjects. One thing I will remember of 王老师: He's VERY proud of China!!!

老乡!吴老师's from Fujian Province... =) Maybe because the class was small, there was never really a lecturer-student hierarchy with him. There's humour in his candour and I remember what he said about us being free to do anything if we think it is more beneficial than listening to his lecture. ;)

English ppt and Chinese teaching. To be honest, 李老师 still feels distant...its as if the ice never broke between he and the class. But I was thankful the jigsaws finally fitted together during the exam prep, and I now understand the Attachment Theory he stressed so much upon.

From the English department... Before she starts lecturing, 孔老师 would say, "Ok... there goes the bell. Let's begin." In actual fact, nobody heard anything. ;) At the end of taking this Translation module, I find the theory portion a tough bit for Singaporeans. When we translate, most of us go ahead with our feeling and what we've been used to, in hearing and speaking. This module had a part on rhetoric, where to position the subject, verb, adjective in each language etc. Chimmm...

The movie guy! I guess teachers like him possess this artistic flair...They not only notice the technical skills ie. angle, movement, but also the abstract meaning and theme in films through character portrayal. With a lecture of 800+ students, and there was no way I would voice out my opinion on the films in Chinese, 李老师 remains a distant respectable teacher.

As I'm typing this, his subject is at the back of my mind. My last paper!!! The others told me that 陈老师 is the most well-versed in Folk Lore in PKU, so it is somewhat an honour to be taught by him. He's the kind of teacher who can crack a joke keeping a stern face, but reprimand students (yes, even at the uni level) when need be... Amiable!

How God works huh... I signed up for her ping pong class right from the beginning, but she ended up switching slots with another coach. And so, I spent half a semester under 顾玉标教练 (whom I thank for laying my foundation)。 After the Labour Day holz however, being on a ping pong high and with much persuasion from Jian Kang, I began attending her 8am class. She's cool...really, being in the national team herself. Remember her showing her disappointment once to the class when many ponned, some came late, and one girl came in high heels...Aye...

The Power Woman! 张老师 totally reflects what I expected a Chinese teacher to be. It wasn't just self-defence that she taught. It came as a package to help us bring what we've learnt in that 地厅 out into the world, and her vision for the course was to 保护生命和健康。Haik!

I found all my teachers approachable and genuinely concerned about their students. 十分亲切!They have played a huge part in contributing to my rewarding exchange experience in PKU!


gRacE =)